Sandy Fitts

Sandy Fitts was born in England and grew up on the coast of Yorkshire. Her poems have been published widely and have won many awards in Australia and the UK.'Waiting for Goya' won the Gwen Harwood Poetry Prize 2007. Other first prizes include The Arts Queensland Val Vallis Award and the Melbourne Poets Union International Poetry Competition, while 'Headgear' (a review) was shortlisted for the Australian Book Review poetry prize. In the UK, her poems have won prizes in the Petra Kenney International Poetry Competition and the Bridport Poetry Prize. Fitts has worked on trains and boats, in factories, cafes, schools, and in many offices. Her various university studies include an MBA. View from the Lucky Hotel is her first poetry collection to be published.For further information check out Sandy's website:


View from the Lucky Hotel


Anne Elvey


Susan Hampton