Anna Kerdijk Nicholson

Anna Kerdijk Nicholson is an Australian/English poet and author of three books—The Bundanon Cantos (Five Islands Press, 2003), Possession - poems about the voyage of Lt James Cook in the Endeavour 1768-1771 (Five Islands Press, 2010) and Everyday Epic (Puncher & Wattmann, 2015). Possession won the Victorian Premier’s Prize and the Wesley Michel Wight Prize in 2010 and was also shortlisted for the NSW Premier’s and ACT Premier’s Prizes. Anna has been an active board member of Australian literary organisations (NSW Poets Union and Australian Poetry), a mentor (Red Room) and editor of poetry (such as the literary journal Five Bells (Poets Union, 2000-2005) and Candy Royalle’s posthumous collection, A Trillion Tiny Awakenings (UWA Publishing, 2018)). Anna farms on the NSW Southern Tablelands.


The Bundanon Cantos



Louise Nicholas


Louise Oxley